......my Blackbird SAL. I had planned in my head that I would sit and stitch the SAL all weekend as I was going to be a golf widow, of course after I had cleaned the house. Well the house got neglected as the mood to stitch Christmas ornies took hold and I did these 3. La-D-Da - christmas bird, Hillside Samplings - Christmas, Theron designs/Gentle Art - Bird and berries, Now I'm stitching Mary Garrys Christmas strawberry and will finish tonight I hope, then to decide which to do next. Next weekend I think I will do the finishing on them.
What else have I been stitching? well I have made a good start on Rachaels RR, I will take a pic of that later in the week and I have been stitching a surprise for a friend, can't show that yet as I know she visits my blog.
Thanks to everyone who made comments on all my stitching works and my pics of the ball, I really appreciate them very much.
Whey hey look at you go......nice start on Christmas, no wonder you're stitching birds (being an early bird youself...lol), very nice!!
Awesome Xmas ornies, Su!!! I love 'em!!!
Oooh, lovely! I've got an ornament thing at the moment too :) Where is Birds and Berries from? It's so pretty!
Look at all those wonderful ornies! You make me feel all guilty for not stitching anything X-mas related. Perhaps the mood will strike when all the stitching deadlines are behind me. I can't wait to see your other ornie. And how are you planning to finish the Christmas Bird? I did that one myself last year. Great fun!
Wow, busy needle! I like them all.
WOW! You must have those most popular turbo needles...I can't seem to find them?!
LOVE the Hillside samplings Christmas...it's beautiful!
Turbo needles indeed! I love all these designs you've selected - beautiful work.
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