I wished for a pinkeep and this one is really lovely, its stitched on 28ct linen and around the edges is a pretty white ribbon and the top is tied with a bow and the pretty glass white pins really finish it. The fabric on the back is a lovely soft check, its perfectly stitched and perfectly finished. Thankyou so much Susan for granting my wish.
What else on the stitchy front? well I have been working on Barbaras Autumn exchange piece, making a birthday gift for Vonna and still stitching on my LHN Garden pleasures (do you know I have been put off working on this cos I had to frog it twice - it really puts me off sometimes - does anyone else get like that with a piece?)Never mind hopefully it'll be finished soon LOL!

That's a really lovely pinkeep. And I know what you mean about the frogs~~sometimes I get frustrated enough that I have to just let the piece sit until I get the motivation back to work on it ;)
What lovely soft colours - bravo to Susan!
I'm so glad it arrived safely - I was getting stressed out!
Isn't it just GREAT! I love it ;)
And it is so cottage and soft and so you!
The pinkeep is very pretty. Susan did a wonderful job in making it for you.
Oh boy, do I ever get put off by projects if I have to repeatedly frog them!
That's such a wonderful pinkeep! Enjoy. :D
beautiful pinkeep!!
A wonderful pinkeep from Susan.
That was a very good post to recieve!
Beautiful Pinkeep!
Gorgeous pinkeep!
A lovely 'wish gift'
Frogging always puts me off, i never enjoy a piece as much afterwards
Very lovely pinkeep from Susan!
What a lovely pinkeep! Susan did a beautiful job of stitching and finishing. Enjoy your granted wish!
Pretty pinkeep! When I have to from I get mad with myself for not paying attention-then once I clear the error-I have to step away from it-lol
Oh how pretty!
Isn't it odd how some pieces seem to attract frogs more than others?
The Daisy pinkeep you received is very sweet. Here's my tip if I make an error I rip it before I lay it down, then I know the next time I pick it up it is ready for me to stitch. I can just pretend it never happened.;-)Happy Stitching, CJ
What a pretty pinkeep! Oh, yes, frogs are pests sometimes, sorry they visited you.
Oh, definitely. As soon as the frogs come, that's it, the project's ruined for me. Usually I won't finish it, no matter how close I am to finishing it. Unless it's a gift, in which case it gets finished. Way too late.
Love the pinkeep you received!
Lovely pinkeep!
It's very pretty Su. Congrats. xx
Beautiful pinkeep! I just bought that design last week but it certainly did not look as good in the photo on the pattern as it does here--now I am so glad I bought it!
nice pinkeep which matches with our lovely days :)
hugs Su
That is a beautiful pinkeep Su!
Pastel colours: I love it soooooo much!!!!! It's a nice piece for your collection!!! When you'll post a picture of your lovely corner full of yours and friends pieces? :D:D:D
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