The design is by Hillside Samplings,I changed the colours of the thread and omitted the tea bag charm as I didn't have one, but I still thought it looked cute anyway. Its finished as a pinkeep.
I do hope that she has received it and it didn't go astray.
I'm still on the mend and taking things very easy, my doctor won't let me go back to work just yet, so that makes more stitching time for me!!
Hope everyone has a great week.

This is really pretty great work, i hope your exchange patner is ok!
It is beautiful! Glad you are doing so well. You will be fully mended and back to your routine in no time!
That's such a pretty pinkeep, gorgeous colours, it would be such a shame if it has gone astray in the post.
It's a beauty Su, I'm sure it arrived safely.....
That is a beautiful pinkeep! I hope she got it and is fine. I hope your recovery is speedy!
This is beautiful! I luv the stitching & your fiber choices. I think I might even have that one in my stash someplace -- was it suggested to use lavender fibers?
What a pretty pinkeep, I hope it made it to it's destination!
It's beautiful, Su! I hope it didn't go astray.
I believe your recipient is a member of the military, so maybe she isn't home at the moment. I hope she is okay!
That's a pretty pinkeep. I noticed that Mindi hasn't updated her blog for ages. She is my Quaker Friendship RR and hasn't posted there in a while. I do hope she is ok and I hope you are feeling much better now?
Lovely, i'm sure she was thrilled with it
Glad that you are on the mend, take care.
Delizioso!! Ti faccio i miei complimenti per il tuo splendido blog!
Delizioso! Complimenti per il tuo splendido blog!
Lovely pinkeep Su. I do hope Mindy is OK and it arrived with her safely.
Love the colors... Glad to hear you are on the mend.
I would hate to think something this pretty was lost. Let's hope it made it to the destination!
Glad to hear you are still on the mend. Take care of yourself!
That is such a lovely pinkeep! I hope you hear from the recipient soon that it arrived safely.
Sorry to hear you have been so ill, Su! Please take good care of yourself and get lots and lots of rest (and a little stitching time too).
Hello Su!
Thank you very much for your comment in my blog.
I admire your work and I'm delighted your blog.
Su, that's gorgeous!!
I hope you continue to recuperate and feel better each day!!
Nice finish! I hope you are doing better today :)
That's too pretty to be lost. Hope it has or will turn up.
Hope you are feeling better.
It's a gorgeous pinkeep Su, I hope it turns up OK
It's beautiful! I hope it has been received well. Oh I was so sorry to read about your hospital stay, I hope you will feel better soon!
This is very pretty, Su!
I love your colour changing, it's so beautiful.
I hope you will be very fine, soon, but more stitching time means we can see more of your beautiful works here, right? lol
Cute, the Dutch word for 'tea' is 'thee'. So for me the text is a 'play upon words'!
Cute: in Dutch 'tea' is 'thee'. So for me this text is a playing upon words.
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