Our new front door

has finally arrived, typical for it to come on such a overcast day, but I am quite excited about it so I just had to take a picture, even tho' the house looks grayer and gloomy. If you look to the right you can make out our beautiful azalea, it comes with us from house to house so far and in the foreground is the wonderful montana clematis which we call mile a minute, its drenched with flowers this year and looks amazing from the other side of the road.



lena-lou said...

Great new front door Su I like that shepe glass

mainely stitching said...

It's fascinating to see your real-life house and front garden. (I'm thinking of the NRR.) Great door, too!

Dianne said...

That is one of the prettiest doors I have ever seen! Your fount garden is beautiful. : )


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