Believe it or not but this is a golf course. Mark plays here at least once a month, and its just 2 miles down the road from where we live, isn't it pretty. You can just see his trolley on the left.

This is near one of the water features and look there is even a bench to sit and watch them play and enjoy the view around.

Couldn't tell you which part of the course this is, but the view is lovely. - Can't you tell I'm not a golfer.

You could really lose yourself here with views and birdsong!

I was very lucky this week and was given an award from Mary Kathryn I was ever so chuffed to receive it Thankyou Mary Kathryn, especially as she has such a wonderful blog herself and completes such wonderful finishes (another heroine of mine is she).
I have been very hard pressed to appoint it to 5 other blogs as there are so many I visit and enjoy very much, and so I will award it to all of you other bloggers out there as I think everyones blogs are amazing and long may you all continue to show us your wonderful finishes and inspiring ideas.
I've been asked after my previous posting if I made the actual box for my MIL - No I didn't, it was a fancy box of chocolates, its only small about 5 inches long and about 3 inches wide and I wish I could make them, I have a book on cartonnage but haven't dared attempt anything yet (plus the book is in french which makes it a little difficult as my French is not brilliant)
Thanks to all my new commenters too, its so kind of you and I am so glad you wanted to leave me a comment.
I'm a little slow this week going round the blogs and answering emails, I decided I would go back to work and see how it went, the guys have been lovely and are not putting any pressure on me at all, so I can more or less work to my own pace and if I feel a bit off, the boss said I can go home anytime which was really nice of him.
We had another stroke of bad news last week, Marks other grandmother passed away on the Bank Holiday Monday, we had her funeral a week yesterday and gave her a good sending off that she would have appreciated, she would have been 95yrs on the 13th, so it was a wonderful but hard long life that she has had, she hasn't been herself really for a couple of years, she has been suffering from dementia and often didn't recognise any of us, but she was a tough ole bird with a wickedly dry sense of humour and we dearly miss her.
Hopefully come JUNE, our life will turn the other way and all the rotten things that have happened since December 07 will stop and we will have a happier next 6 months.
Hope everyone has a good weekend, I'm going out in the garden to do some gardening and be nosey as the house next door was sold and its exchange day today and I want to see who we have moving in. I can't show you any stitching at the moment as I have been doing exchanges, but I hope to have maybe a couple of things to show you next week, one of which will be an exchange as its getting posted on Tuesday and its going to the UK.

Sorry to hear of the death in your family.
I hope that life gets better for you all really soon.
Nice pics - I would prefer to sit on the bench and stitch rather than play golf! And it's more peaceful that a football match.
So sorry you're having such a rough time. I hope things get better for you too. Hope you get some lovely nice new neighbours too :)
What a beautiful golf course! I think I would have to take up the sport just to be able to walk around in this lovely area.
Here's wishing you a happy and healthy next six months, and every month after that to come!
Beautiful views Su ;) Wouldn't it be the BEST if we could sit on the bench together and chat it up!
Wish I were moving in next door :)
But I had to LOL about the being nosey stuff...we ARE much alike! LOL!
Sorry to hear of your bereavement
You live in such a beautiful part of the UK, stunning views. Hope the new neighbours are friendly, you never know you might get a stitcher next door LOL
Hi Su! I'd love to have a stitching day out on that gorgeous golf course - assuming I could tear my eyes away from the wonderful views long enough to cross some threads. LOL!
Very sorry to hear abour Mark's other grandmother. You've had a rough six months or so of it, and I dearly do hope that come June, things will shift for the better.
Take care!!
I'm sorry about the loss of Mark's grandmother.
The golf course pictures are lovely - it looks so rustic.
Oh my, the course is beautiful!
So sorry to hear of your loss. ***hugs***
Ooo yes, go be nosey; then share with us!
So sorry to hear about Mark's grandmother passing. 95 years is a very long life. I'm sure you are all missing her very much.
Those pictures are beautiful, by the way!
First sorry to hear about the bad news in your family!!
And thank you so much for the pictures!! I have two great passions in my life: to stitch and to play golf!! You know, two time consuming hobbies :-)!! My DH, my two DDs and I are playing golf. So we spend a lot of our free time on the golf course. And I always enjoy it!!
I am sorry for your loss, it is always so sad no matter what the age!
I must say that I found your golf post quite funny...I know nothing about golf but i too appreciate the beautiful pictures.
Good thoughts are seing sent your way in an effort to rid those "bad vibes" from your life! :)
Wow, it's really time I paid a visit to beautiful, green England again!
My condolences for your loss - it's true, no matter how much you expect it to happen, it's still a great pain when the moment arrives (I was blessed with a foursome of long-living grandparents).
A beautiful golf course, and that bench looks perfect for sitting and stitching~~I don't golf either LOL!
My condolences on your loss. I hope that you will soon be back up to speed and that life will take a happy turn for you :)
So sorry to hear about your loss, hope things get better for you very soon.
Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures of the golf course with us.
Take care.
What a beautiful golf course, I have never seen such a romantic golf course in my life!
I'm so sorry to hear that you lost one of your family.
I hope that she is in the heaven with beautiful angels now.
What a beautiful golf course!
Take care.
Please pass on my condolences to Mark.
That is some gorgeous scenery there! Thanks for sharing.
Send my best to Helen and your Mum.
Oh, is our England not a lovely place?=)
Sorry to hear of your loss, but, so glad to hear you are feeling better!
I love the pictures of the golf course. I would surely love to play a round there...
Hugs to you--
So sorry to hear about Mark's grandmother! I do hope things improve for you and Mark.
Hugs -
So sorry to learn of the additional sadness in your family, Su. May your hearts be comforted in the memories of her humor.
Seems to me you've had your spell of hard times. May the good times roll once again. :)
Really lovely photos as ever. I almost feel I am there with you - wish I was, Did you paint in the blue sky yourself - I don't ever remember seeing a sky like this! Only joking, of course :>)
Warm wishes, Angela
The golf course looks so pretty and quiet!
Im sorry to hear about your loss.
Judy Said
I have enjoyed your site. Beautiful stitching! How can I get the pattern for Mary Beale's Parasol Lady. I have looked many times. w/o success. Thank you.
Here's hoping the next 6 months are much brighter for you! :) That golf course is a real stunner - it's almost enough to make me want to take up golf ... almost ;)
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