As the saying goes : Keep Calm, Carry On!! and yes I have had to think about that wee saying on and off over the past few weeks, at times its been tumulteous, as it was the anniversary of 'the Break-up' which I struggled with and also it was 'his' birthday and the first without me being around 'him'. 'He' has been on holiday with his'chick' (I say the 'chick' word loosely as I would very much like to call her something very unprintable, un-writable etc LOL!) which I also struggled massively with. But.... then I thought about all the things I have achieved since he went and how my life is changing and what I have learnt and I gave myself a wee pat on the back and thought I have come on in myself quite a bit, what with learning to drive (not yet sat the practical test yet, but I have booked a date), I've bought a car, All that decorating and re-designing the house and losing weight, not that far off my target either now just another 28lbs to go, I am now lighter than I was in 1999!
The cushion above is what I made for 'Him' for his birthday, as the saying can also apply to how he has been feeling at times so I gather, so I hunted around the internet and found the freebie design and printed it off onto transfer paper and made the cushion. 'He' told me that he liked it so that was good!
The cushion behind it, is also one of new ones that I made a whole assortment of different ones with Mum when they were over for the weekend a couple of weeks ago now. These I will show soon.
I have had lots of visitors too, staying from a couple of nights to almost a week at a time, this is the first weekend in ages when I have had nobody here and its giving me the opportunity to blog etc.
I have taken lots of pics of the house and will show them soon and also I have been working incredibly hard on my garden, it might be only a little space but I had let it overgrow this past year and so have worked at it and its now full of plants and hopefully will look wonderful when they all flower. I even have a couple of tomato plants - courtesy of 'Him' and will have my own toms this year which I am looking forward too.

Hey stranger! It's so good to hear from you, but I do know what you're going through. As you well know. That cushion was such a wonderful idea!
Good luck with everything. Keep going!
Sorry to hear things have been rough. Hang in there it will get better.
The cushion is fantastic, you'd pay a fortune for one like that ready made.
Good luck with your driving test.
Lovely to see you blogging again Su.
Great cushion - I'm not sure I would have 'remembered' said birthday though!
You have had quite a year though - congrats on the weight loss and all that you have achieved. Good luck with your driving test.
Good to hear from you. Sorry things have been rough. It's always hard when those landmarks come around. Think positive!
It's so nice to see you posting again! Sorry life as been a bit difficult, lots of hugs for you.
BTW, I can fill in the blank on the other words for the 'chick'. I am sure we are all thinking them for you, LOL.
Hi Su, and it's so nice to read a post from you! I'm sorry things have been rough lately. I do hope with time that these anniversaries will be easier to bear. As for the pat on the back, I think you deserve a very large one! You have made amazing accomplishments, and I say good for you! Enjoy your quiet weekend doing what you love.
Oh Honey, I am so sorry you went through all that cruddy is a tough time. when I went through it I had a lots of things go sour.....enough baggage to make an airline shudder....
Hang in there, and never stop believing in yourself!!
Wish I could send a big hug!!!
It is nice to see that you are back and if it helps, my word verification is "slake", isn't that like snake... he he, sorry!!! Couldn't help myself!
Margaret B
Thanks for sharing your feelings in such an upbeat way! I know EXACTLY what you're going through - but never though anybody else in the world would get "him" a birthday gift! It made me chuckle. Keep going!
Dear Su, just live for yourself: your driving test, your pleasures, your home... your projects. And one day, you'll realise how much you enjoy your new life. And another day, love will cross your way... again !
Cheers from Belgium.
So good to see you posting again. I can't wait to see some photos of you garden and home. Hang in there... I know it's rough when those 'anniversary' days come around.
Su, it's so good to see you post again.
Just think how many of these, not so nice firsts, are behind you now and, not only have you got through them but you are on a roll both emotionally and energetically.
Well done for that fantastic weight loss. It's all about shedding unwanted and useless stuff in your life...haha!
Good luck with the test and well done for getting your car up and ready. I think we can sometimes forget how hard it is financially after a break up but that is definitely money well spent :>)
I love the saying on that pillow. It was a huge success in the war and it's still so appropriate today :>)
Can't wait to see your pictures.
Angela xx
You go girl!! :)
I think you deserve a big congrats on your first anniversary of independence~~you've shown amazing grace, strength and good humor through your ups and downs. Bravo!!!
HEY Su so good to see a post from you .You are doing so well sweetie, give yourself a HUGE pat on the back and for not lowering yourself to his level (couldnt get much lower think snake very appropriate). Look forward to the pics when you get round to it,meanwhile take care and hugs from me.
Huge congratulations on the weight loss, Su! You go girl!
Congratulations, also, on getting your own car. Good luck with the driver's test.
I'm sorry that you've had a stressful few weeks - you are a strong, brave woman, and I'm sure I'm echoing what a lot of people have told you - you can do it! Keep calm, as you said!
You have gotten through the worst of it. I don't think I would have made "him" anything either! But thank you for sharing and it is great to see you back again. You have done so well on the losing weight front, wish I had but I'm still as fat as ever and wish I had your determination. Your home has been changed so much and I can't wait to see all the photos and of the garden too. I used to garden but can't anymore though I would love to. As the saying goes - just keep trucking girl and good luck with your Practical Driving test.
Lots of Love
Patti xxx
Su - it's always good to hear from you. Hope to see more of your lovely posts now that you are past this challenging time.
Personally, I would have kept the cushion! Congratulations on everything and best wishes for the practical part of the test!
So nice to hear from you again, Su. It's hard to go through these 'first' times but you have come through it all with such grace and strength. I think it's harder to all of a sudden have to live on your own, than someone like me who has always been on their own. I know it takes a lot of changes to occur and readjustments, and to find the strength within you to achieve them. Just remember, you have had the harder journey and are the better person for it (not him). Celebrate your independence and rejoice in your achievements!
It's great you are back in "the blogging world"! And the changes, even the nasty ones (as the ones you've been through) are for the best - you've achieved a lot!
I'm glad to see a post from you! I am sure that the anniversaries/birthdays/special days are hard... thinking of you! I love the cushion. Be proud of all that you've achieved, how you've handled yourself, and for taking the advice on the cushion--keeping calm and carrying on!
Good to see you posting again Su. There's always a grieving time when something comes to an end.... but it sounds like your new beginning is progressing nicely. Well done you on all the new things you are doing & on the new you. You're doing great! :0)
Lovely cushions. :0)
{{{Su}}} Sorry you've been having a rough time. It's good to see you blogging again
Great to see a post from you. Try and always think of the positive things.
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