As you know I'm a member of a small group called seasonal exchanges - our next season was Autumn. My partner is Nicki. This is the 2nd exchange I have stitched for her. Its by Blackbird Designs - Pumpkin Blossom. I have finished it how it was suggested by the designers into a needlebook.
The fabric I used to stitch it is called Autumn Leaves and I'm almost positive its by Sugar Maple Fabrics (I lost the label). I used the recommeded threads and some Mill Hill beads.
Its closed using some copper silk ribbon I found in my stash, and the fabric lining the inside is by Blackbird Designs which I bought at the Newcastle Metro stitch show last year.
I just want to thank Yuko and Patti for awarding me my very first smile awards I was really chuffed when I found out I had been given them - thankyou so much ladies - Hugs!! EDITED TO ADD: I also want to thank Lesley and Sally both of whom also awarded me Smile awards I am so sorry ladies that I missed you and I really am grateful for them.
I'm off to London in the next couple of days for the CA Wells workshops which are being held over the weekend, I am so looking forward to them. I have stitched my Saturday class but not the Sunday one. I have been having a bit of trouble with my eyes of late seeing 1/1 even using my magnifier. But not to worry I'm sure I'll get there in the end LOL!!
Your exchange to Nicki is wonderful, love the inside of the NB too :-))
Your finish looks fabulous! I love the fabric you used and that ribbon is the perfect color.
Have fun at your classes with CA. Can't wait to hear all about them.
Absolutely G O R G E O U S! love it!
You are quite something you know! What a stitcher and finisher! I hope you have a truly great weekend this weekend and enjoy every second of it. All my Love Patti xxx
Stunningly gorgeous! I love the beading :)
Oh Su,
You have stitched up my all time favourite design. I have loved this for years and you have stitched it exactly as I have always imagined it in my mind :>)
I really love it. You've brought a big smile to my face and I'm sure Nikki has got exactly the same smile. :>)
Talking of smiles - I can't think of anyone nicer to be honoured with a smiley award!
Hugs, Angela
The Pumpkin Blossom needlecase is gorgeous Su! But, that is no surprise.
Enjoy your CA Wells classes, and I look forward to seeing what you stitch!
Sigh. . . another piece of heaven. :)
Have a wonderful time at the CA Wells workshop, Su!
Nice work, this needlebook looks great! I am sure Nicki will love it!
Wow Su... That is GORGEOUS!! Well done!
Just fantastic Su! What a great gifty for Nicki - I just know she will love it!!
Sorry if I comment twice, blogger did a funny thing and gave me an error message.
Dear Su,
Hi how have you been doing?
Your needlebook is stunning!
I'm envy Nicki! The fabric is beautiful and inside of this is also wonderful!
You are really wonderful stitcher and finisher as I always say!
By the way, have you received my e-mails?? Seems they haven't reached you... Maybe because I'm sending them out from Hotmail, that's why I think they went into junk mail box or trash bin...
So please look for my e-mail from where normal mails not in, LOL
I will send one later tonight!
Thanks and Hugs!
Wow, Su, that is an absolutely beautiful finish:) I bet Nicki loves it.
Oh and I awarded you a SMile award weeks ago but I guess you didn't see it:)
GORGEOUS as usual! Love the beads!
Wow, Su, that's a gorgeous exchange!!!!!!
Have a great time at the CA Wells gathering!
What a beautiful needlebook! And your finishing is exquisite as always!!! Lovely exchange!
It's beautiful ! ! !
Wow, that's gorgeous!
Wow, you have made an amazing book! You are the best finisher ever Su! :D thanks for the inspiration.
Your needlebook is absolutely gorgeous Su. Enjoy your class in London.
Simply gorgeous exchange! Lucky Nicki!
The pinkeep is wonderful. Any BBD stitched and finihed is a joy to behold.
Your needlebook is gorgeous! Congratulations - you do such inspiring work.
Have fun at your CA Wells class!
wow that's a beautiful finishing you have done. The greys and yellows match so well. It's a great exchange.
Well I tried to leave a comment yesterday but I just got a Blogger error and it obviously didn't go through :)
I absolutely LOVE my exchange Su! It was the best autumnal thing you could have made me. Thank you again so much! :D
Su gorgeous! Have fun at the CA Wells classes.
I just saw this over on Nicki's blog, and had to come over and tell you how beautiful the needlebook you made is... I love the Mill Hill beads you added, what a fantastic idea. 8)
I hope you enjoy your time in London and the workshop!
What a beautiful exchange - Nicki must be thrilled!
It's a gorgeous exchange Su, congratulations.
See you on Sunday :)
I'll look forward to hearing your CA report. Hope you have a great time!!!
This exchange is gorgeous as always is your work :)
Safe Journeys,
That's just so beautiful!
Enjoy your CA Wells class! :)
lovely done. Your finishing is simply stunning. Looking forward to CAWell's workshop report and pictures....I'm sure you are having a great time there.
wow its so cute. nice work
Beautiful work!!!
Kind regards,
Sonnja, from the Netherlands
You have a beautiful Blog!
Kind regards,
Sonnja, from the Netherlands
I love your finishing and it's very cute the beads on cornflower !
Beautiful needlebook. All the colors and fabrics look great together. Enjoy your CA Wells classes.
Beautiful work.
It's lovely Su !!!
So tell us about the CA wells class..We wanna know :-)))
Your needlebook is absolutely gorgeous Su. I love the fabric you've used to line it with too.
Can't wait to hear all about the CA Wells workshops! :o)
Wonderfull as always.
Su I just love this little pinkeep!! Oh your finishing on this is just exquisite!! I wish I knew how to do the finishing that you are your sister do!! I love birds and this is just the cutest pinkeep ever!! I hope that your eyes are doing better now!! Hugs Debby :)
What a gorgeous piece!
This is stunning! Wonderful work Su, it's fantastic.
Another gorgeous finish.
What a fabulous exchange gift
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