From my mum

This is part of the birthday gift I received from my mum - the stitchy part - isn't it lovely, I love the wee cat in the middle, mum says that its Tasha in our garden.

Tomorrow I will show you a finish I did last night.

Thankyou again everyone for your best wishes, I really did have a great birthday - my last year in my 40's (sigh)


Jocelyn said...

All of your gifts are lovely! Congratulations and a (belated) happy birthday!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

You don't look a year over 29 no matter what age you are, you're lovely to me :)
I think your Mum's stitched gift is gorgeous.
My love to you!

mainely stitching said...

Oh what a lovely gift from your mom! You are all such talented stitchers in your family!!!

Kitty Couture said...

Aw, I love that Su!! The kitty's too cute.

Carol said...

Belated birthday wishes Su!! The gifts you've received are gorgeous...lucky you!! :o)

Susan @ Real Girl Designs said...

What a lovely birthday gift. Wow - I'm impressed - I didn't realize that you were in your 40's - I'm right behind you - I have a birthday next month, and although I have a couple of years to go, I'm still closer to 50 than to 40!

Anonymous said...

Your mum always knows just the right thing to stitch for you and, once again, this is absolutely lovely. I love the little cat charm, it's just purrfect :>) Pretty backing finish too.
Hugs, Angela

Sharon said...

Absolutely lovely! It's so sweet-I can't get my Mom to stitch me anything-LOL

Julie said...

very sweet

Yuko said...

Oh, what a beautiful present from your mum!
I love this very much, especially the kitty button!
Anyway, it's stunning!

tintocktap said...

What a beautiful gift - lucky you and well done to your Mum!

Nancy said...

This is very charming! I love the kitty and the little buttons in the corners. You have a talented mother.

And, don't worry one bit about it being the last year in your 40's. The 50's gets even better!

ollie1976 said...

Very cute birthday gift!

Sally said...

What a beautiful gift from your Mum!

Carla said...

What a lovely gift!!

Paola B. said...

Very adorable !

Heather said...

Your mom is a doll, she makes the most beautiful things... now we know where you get it from :)

lena-lou said...

Love your gift from Mum :)

Tanya Marie said...

Oh my this is precious - the kitty is such a purrrrrrfect touch! And the back, well, you are just the clever one!



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