Thankyou everyone so much for your lovely lovely words and support, you really are all so very lovely, thankyou too for the cards I have received at home as well, I honestly appreciate it all and so does my family - I have passed on your words to them to.

Its very strange not having dad about or speaking to him on the phone and I know how strange and upsetting it is to mum too after all he was her husband, but Mum is doing OK as we all are Helen my sister has been amazing with her living so close to mum she has beenand still is a terrific help and support for her. My brother and I have been doing as much as we can as well I had the weekend gone over with mum and saw everyone too, and I'm making plans for the bank holiday/Easter to spend with mum again.

My best friend and her son are taking life a day at a time at the moment but are gradually returning to normality, both are going back to work again tomorrow, which is good and luckily there appears no lasting scars on her face and around her eyes, which is a good thing.

Work is settled again for the time being - I hate not knowing if I am going to be out of work and it keeps happening at the moment I really could do without that worry!!

I've still not done much in the way of finishing work, but have stitched a couple more small things, I'm also working on Finch Song. I will hopefully have something to share by the weekend as long as everything goes OK in my distracted world.

Ooo and Harry says to say Hello to his fans, he has grown such a lot but is still as cute as a button, and his training is coming along well.
Hugs and grateful thanks to you all



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