How did it go? I hear you ask - well it went ok, I'm in one piece, the car is in one piece and the instructor hasn't reached for the valium yet, I had a lot of fun, and drove along an A road to Egremont (YES an A road not a B road or a country lane its a fully certified A road) and back, its a good 20 mins drive just one way and I also drove around a housing estate several times, I only stalled twice (both times at a junction, and I didn't kangaroo hop at all) can't wait for Friday when its my next lesson, mind you I have had to have 3 glasses of wine when I got in and a great lump of chocolate and my head is buzzing - just can't imagine sleeping at all LOL!!
Wish me luck for Friday!!

Hurray for you, Su!!
My twins are in the midst of drivers training right now, but they must practice drive with their Dad for quite awhile before I am ready to ride along - my nerves are shot! lol
Good on you, Su! My Mum never managed to get the hang of driving and I just can't imagine not having the option to jump in the car when I need something ... although then again NZ doesn't have the awesome bus services that the UK and Aussie do! Looking forward to the day when we can celebrate you getting your licence :D
good for you...
never to late to learn something new
This is fantastic Su! Congratulations, and I know you will do great on Friday!
Good for you!! I still don't know how to drive a stick shift. I do fine with an automatic transmission. lol! Good luck with the rest of your driving lessons!
That's wonderful Su. I'm sure you're going to be a fantastic driver. Wishing you the best of luck on your new adventure.
That's awesome, Su! I'll keep my fingers crossed that your lessons progress well! When are you going for your driving test?
Better the wine after than before the lesson! LOL!
Congratulations! The world will open up to you so much beyond the limits of how far you can walk (and how much you can comfortably carry over a distance). You'll be amazed.
Congratulations on a successful first lesson! How thrilling to take the first big step! You go girl!
Good for you Su! The first step is always the hardest. Good luck!
That's awesome Su! You will really enjoy the freedom of being able to drive :-). I am sure you will do great.
Wow Su! Congrats!
Wonderful!!!! I didn't learn until I was 21, and my son is 35 and he does not drive. Good for you! I am so impressed!!!!
Margaret B
p.s. except my word verification says "urche"
He he.... that is too funny......
Wow, exciting! I remember my first driving lesson. Learning manual was a disaster so my dad's plan back-fired and I could only drive the automatic.
good for you! that's an awesome accomplishment! :) i'm curious why you never learned to drive?
Well done Su!! Good luck for Friday, just relax and enjoy it! Before you know it you'll be driving around all the needlework shops in the UK LOL
Good for you! Good luck for Friday
Good for you!
(another non driver here - I really should learn, I suppose...)
Congratulations Su! It sounds like you did much better than me on my first lesson LOL.
Wow !! great ! I should do just like you ! Yes I still can't drive either ! lol but now that i live in the countryside, I must think it over. I am planning to start next spring :-) I will feel less alone knowing that you too are in the same situation !!
Keep us updated on your progress !
You'll be fine. I was 30 when I started going for mine, and it really was one of the best things I ever did. Good luck!
Congratulation, Susie,
this is a big step towards independence!!! Even if your are not 17 anymore ;-) (I do not know at which age you can make driving license in your country ....)
Good luck for friday!
Hugs from Austria
Yay Su! That will eb totally liberating for you. I'm very proud of you. xx
Good for you, Su! All the best for Friday - but you'll see, the first lesson is the hardest.
I think that's wonderful--never too late to learn something new :)
Hearty congratulations Su! I may need that wine and chocolate while my oldest learns to drive...she's 15 so is ready (even though I'm not!)
Fabulous, Friday will be here in no time, hope the excitement wore off and you were able to get some sleep.
Well some people will go to ANY length for an excuse to drink lots of wine and eat yummy chocolate....haha!!
Seriously Su, I am so thrilled you are doing this, congratulations on such a successful first lesson.
Your life will never be the same again as soon as those "L" plates go in the bin....fantastic!! :>)
Angela xx
Well done YOU! You must be so proud of yourself and it looks like the rest of us are proud of you too. You just won't know yourself when you get your licence but don't be dumb like me - I drove into the West End of London the day I passed my test and it was the 23rd of December. Going was fine but coming home I wanted to abandon the car and phone for somebody to come and get me but this was in the days before mobile phones or I think I would have. Good luck and most of all have fun with it.
Lots of Love
Patti xxx
Good for you Su! You will gain so much freedom and independence you will wonder why you didn't learn earlier!
Good for you! I think the wine and chocolate were a definite must after that adventure. Good luck on Friday!
Su, congratulations! What fun to learn how to drive - you'll be a pro at it in no time
Su..congratulations on the driving! Way to go!! r
Congratulations! Keep it up,
you'll do great. After awhile,
you will wonder why you took so long! You will be 'Miss Independent'!!
Continued success and remember, no
wine before driving....
Good luck with the driving lessons. It's never too late to learn. Just keep at it with the wine and chocolate, but perhaps not BEFORE your lessons. lol
Good for you, Su!!
im 26 and barely started ... drove with my dad from and to work for a good two or three weeks and everything was fine .. then im on my own and i get home and i go straight to the garage door heehee ... so i really havent been driving since then
but keep at it!! soon you'll be driving yourself everywhere like a pro =D
WTG you! You will love the extra freedom driving will give you. Note I say will because I am sure you will soon be ready for - & pass - the driving test. :0)
Thoroughly enjoying my catch up & seeing all your wonderful finishes. :0)
Was sorry to read about the abscesses. One is bad enough but three? OUCH! Glad you've recovered OK.
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