I heard today

that Svenja has received the SBEBB - Stitching smalls piece that I stitched for her, I am so pleased that she liked it. I decided to stitch a scissor case by Au fils des Reves, and I chose my own lining which I had in my stash drawer and finished it slightly differently than was directed too.

I padded the inside between the lining fabric and the stitching, I added shell buttons at the fastener and at the bottom and added a tassel, I also put a hand-dyed silk blue ribbon the close the case with.

What a busy week this week with blogging, I think I've posted much more than normal, but wanted everyone to see the beautiful stitching I have received over the week. I won't be posting again now until probably Sunday as I'm off over to the North East to have a girly day out on Saturday with mum and Helen, we are going to Newcastle to a stitch show - can't wait - I can spend my birthday money LOL!! Plus collect my birthday parcels from my mum and my brother, so I really have had a long birthday LOL!!

I'm going tomorrow morning and leaving Mark to fend for himself and the cat - not that he will have a problem his mum taught him well. Have a good weekend everyone!!


Stitch Wizard said...

Your scissor case is just so pretty!! You do really nice work and I wish I had your talent for finishing!! So pretty!! Debby

Carol said...

The scissor case is beautiful - congratulations!!

I can't wait to hear about the show and your gifts - I am sure Veronica has stitched you something stunning!! Please show us!

Karoline said...

The scissor case is gorgeous, have a lovely weekend

Anonymous said...

So beautifull !! Congratulations!!
Have a happy Week end !!

Meari said...

It's just lovely!

Nicki said...

I saw this on Svenja's blog and it's so beautiful! Really gorgeous. You did such a lovely job finishing it too - love the tassel and buttons etc.

Have a great weekend. Hope the stitching show is good!! :)

mainely stitching said...

Oh, Su, you are SO talented! This is really stunning. You must've blown her socks off when she opened this!

Karen said...

It is so pretty! I love the colors. Have fun at the stitch show. :)

Myrna said...

It's very lovely, Su. You do beautiful work. :-)

Cathy B said...

Your scissors case for Svenja is beautiful (as is all of your stitching!) I'm sure she must love it!

Have a wonderful visit with your mum and brother and with Helen!

Annemarie said...

This is yet another stunner Su! Gorgeous! I'm glad you liked my pressies!
Have a great weekend up in the north! And good luck Mark...

Anonymous said...

I love the way you finished it, the tassel is beautiful ... can you explain ??? ;-) congrats !

Anne S said...

Wow, yet another astonishing piece you've stitched ... just divine! I just LOVE seeing your finishes, you're an inspiration :)

lena-lou said...

Gorgeous Su, it really is nice :-))

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Such pretty colors and the finishing is exquisite.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful scissor case! Your finishing is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful scissor case. So delicate and pretty.

Von said...

Su, the scissor case is exquisite! Have a wonderful time this weekend with your Mum and Helen. My DH does fine on his own too, as long as I have raisin bran cereal in the cupboard. That's the extent of his cooking prowess, lol!

Claire said...

Wonderful and stunning work Su. I always love looking at your pieces and seeing how you finish them off - thought about doing an on-line class??!!


Concetta said...

Svenja's Au fils des Reves scissor case is absolutely stunning!! Oh my gosh! I've been catching up with your blog this morning - what a treat! :)


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