Well I hope you all had a really good Easter and received lots of delicious eggs? I had a wonderful few days over in the North East with my family. I stayed with my sister Helen but spent a lot of time with Mum and Dad and my brother and his 2 very handsome young teenagers came up on Saturday and it was so lovely to see them all, we had some good days out - we wnt to Yarm, Durham, Northallerton and Middlesbro', we also went to Helmsley on Sunday and went to a a wonderful craft fayre which was a lot of fun (sorry no pics as I forgot my camera this weekend) and I went shopping and bought a couple of things for the house and some fabric too. I also found inspiration for cushion making.
This cushion above is actually larger than it appears here, its a full sized cushion, and I stitched JBWs 'The Queen Bee for the centre using 28ct Natural Linen and cream silk thread. The cushion is made up of some lovely heavy linen fabric that I had and I trimmed the bottom corner with some 'Love' ribbon that I had in my stash - thats cos I am thinking of giving this as a gift for a very very dear friend.
The trim I have used is some fine crochet lace and I used 2 MoP buttons for added interest.
As I was away I didn't get chance to do any work in the Garden at all, and today has been the best day so far this week - hopefully this nice break in the weather will mean I can get outside and do a bit to it all - I really need to pressure wash and seal my decking before the weather gets to warm and I won't feel like doing it, plus I need to do something with my outside wooden furniture as its quite a mess. Tomorrow I get my onion plants in readiness to pot them on to give them a start before they need to go in the ground in May.
I am still doing a few finishing touches (like making cushions and covering my footstool aand possibly new lounge curtains - Can you tell my Mum and Dad are coming in May LOL) to the house and it should all be finished completely after the first May Bank Holiday and so during May time I will give you my tour, thankyou for your kind emails and comments about my 'tour' idea I hope it won't disappoint.
Mum and I are having a 'crafty' Bank Holiday that first weekend, as they are both coming over hopefully and Mum and I have plans LOL!